
My Online Diary

Welcome  to my nearly daily introspection, musings, blog, and life's unfolding drama (a.k.a. my online diary) - RG September 30, 2024:   Hello again! How have you been? As for me, I’m doing well. I’m gradually getting used to life here in the Philippines, though I do miss the convenience of Taiwan. To stay physically active, I registered at a gym again and aim to work out at least four times a week, plus I still play badminton twice a week. I’ve also been keeping busy with religious activities. I joined the choir as part of my ministry and even started a care group with singles working at the university, which has been rewarding. So far, I’m enjoying it here, but with so many work-related responsibilities, my dissertation progress has been super slow. I really need to make a plan and stick to it if I want to graduate next year. September 19, 2024:   Hi hi, I'm backkkk! Yes, I’m back in the Philippines, back at AUP. I’ve been here for almost two weeks now, and so far, everything