
Showing posts from September, 2023

A Weekend of Fellowship and Triumph: BBQ and Badminton Adventures

Last weekend was an exhilarating blend of camaraderie, sportsmanship, and unexpected victories, making it an unforgettable experience. The events of Saturday night and Sunday morning-afternoon were packed with excitement and joy, leaving a lasting mark in my heart. Saturday Night BBQ Extravaganza As the sun began to set on Saturday evening, I joined the enthusiastic young adults from our church for a delightful BBQ event at another Adventist church. The gathering was orchestrated by our dear friends, Pastor Shin and his wife, Xinyi. Anticipation filled the air as we prepared for the event, looking forward to meeting new people and relishing the delicious BBQ. Although I expected a good turnout, the number of attendees exceeded my expectations, amplifying my happiness. Despite the challenge of igniting the BBQ coals, which took us more than an hour, the moments spent with these wonderful people were simply priceless. Laughter, shared stories, and the joy of fellowship made the evening t

Exploring Hanoi and Beyond: Discovering the Wonders of Vietnam

I recently traveled to Hanoi, Vietnam. The short yet incredibly rewarding trip prompted me to share my experiences and the places I visited. I arranged my flight ticket through the TrekEarth Travel and Tours. Their exceptional accommodation and assistance made the process hassle-free. They helped me secure a comprehensive package, which covered essentials such as accommodations, round-trip private transfers, a Halong Bay excursion, meals, guided tours, and entrance fees. Upon arrival at the airport, I was warmly received by a representative who escorted me to the Lenid Tho Nhuom Hotel, where I spent the night.  On the first day, I explored the renowned old train street, making the most of the free time. The subsequent day commenced with the tour bus picking us up from the hotel and transporting us to the Tuan Chau International Port. From there, we embarked on the Le Journey Cruise for our Halong Bay adventure. Halong Bay is renowned for its captivating landscapes that evoke images of

Embracing the Journey: Overcoming Bitterness and Embracing God's Grace

Introduction: Waking up with a clearer mind, I found myself reaching for my phone to seek a glimmer of inspiration for the day (check the verse of the day that Pastor posted). Little did I know that the verse I stumbled upon would carry a profound message that would resonate deeply within me. Acts 20:24 spoke directly to my heart, reminding me of the purpose and resilience that can guide us through even the darkest times. Acts 20:24  -  However, I consider my life worth nothing to me;  my only aim is to finish the race  and complete the task  the Lord Jesus has given me —the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. The Struggle: Life has its way of pushing us to our limits, and I've often found myself grappling with overwhelming emotions and negativity. In moments of distress, my coping mechanism had been to escape – to leave behind the turmoil rather than confront it. But as the weight of various factors pressed down on me, I realized that this approach only perpetuate